Ten tips for waving

Thursday, February 25, 2010 | 9:51 PM


Here's a quick snapshot of some our favorite tips that you may or may not have noticed yet. Give them a try, and if you aren't using Google Wave yet, you can request an invitation.

Double click!

You can edit or reply to any part of a wave by double clicking on it.

Use 'Shift + Enter'
Submit and create new replies with 'Shift+Enter' to make a conversation go faster.

Hit spacebar

Move through the unread messages in a wave by pressing the spacebar.

Edit your profile

Give yourself a picture instead of a grey head. Click on your name in the Contacts panel.

Link to another wave

Create a link to another wave by dragging it over from the search panel while you're editing.

Make a wave public

Share a wave with the world. Add public@a.gwave.com to your contacts, then to the wave. Then, click on the contact at the top to make it read-only.

Follow a wave

If you want to see it in your inbox, click "Follow". "Unfollow", if you don't.

Add a search result

Use the G+ gadget on the editing toolbar to add a link, image or video to your wave

Filter your waves

Create saved searches by clicking the '+' next to SEARCHES in the Navigation panel. Add color coding, too!

Open multiple waves at once

Hold 'Ctrl' and click on a wave in the search panel to open waves side by side.

We also post tips on Twitter, so follow @googlewave and share your own #wavetips, too!

Happy waving!